Earlier departure of the train to Stuttgart and Zürich


Travel by train and gain a 50% discount
Student's index  is worth more for students of Croatian higher education institutions

A 50% discount is granted for an unlimited number of one-way and two-way journeys with all trains, and can be used throughout the year

The discount is granted at cash registries and aboard trains by presenting you student ID card*, which should be shown during travel to appropriate staff upon request. The stated discount can be used just for domestic Croatian train traffic.

• Price of the ID card for the whole academic year is 50kn. K-33X ID card can be bought at  train station cash registries.
• For gaining the ID card right, students must show a certified student transcript for the current semester or a faculty confirmation of semester attendance. Student status can also be proved by showing an e-index or x-card but only with a document (printed registration data) which shows valid data from the stated cards.
• In the period from 30 - April 2015, the "Index is worth more" offer can be used on all trains, without an ID card, just by presenting a certified student transcript or a faculty confirmation of current semester attendance.