Od 17. veljače posebna organizacija prometa na relaciji Zagreb GK – Dugo Selo – Vrbovec – Križevci /Novoselec – Zagreb GK
CONNECT2CE završna virtualna konferencija održat će se 28. svibnja 2020. putem aplikacije GoToMeeting u organizaciji vodećeg partnera CONNECT2CE - Central European Initiative. Konferencija donosi pregled najvažnijih informacija o projektu, njegovim pilot aktivnostima, transnacionalnim strategijama i rezultatima postignutim na regionalnoj i prekograničnoj razini u posljednje tri godine.
Konferencija će započeti CEI-evim predstavljanjem i pregledom projekta, te video prezentacijom do sad realiziranih koraka u projektu. Potom će EURAC, FUC, HŽPP i KTI predstaviti pilot akcije CONNECT2CE, a PIL će predstaviti strateški pristup projektu. Konferenciji će se putem video isječaka pridružiti i dionici na visokoj razini, predstavljanjem pregleda rezultata projekta s vanjskih gledišta i uvođenja alata Mentimetar, nakon čega će uslijediti okrugli stol s fokusom na vodeće inicijative u razvoju javnog prijevoza. Konferenciju će domaćini zaključiti završnim komentarima o postignutim rezultatima, te najavom očekivanih aktivnosti u budućnosti.
S velikim zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo da se 28. svibnja 2020. od 9:00 do 13:00 pridružite CONNECT2CE završnoj virtualnoj konferenciji s računala, tableta ili pametnog telefona. Prijave za događaj su otvorene, a prijaviti se možete OVDJE!
The CONNECT2CE Virtual Final Conference is an online event organized by CONNECT2CE’s Lead Partner - Central European Initiative and will be held on 28th May 2020 on the GoToMeeting app. The event will focus on bringing you the most important information about the project, its pilot actions , transnational strategies and results achieved at the regional and cross-border level in the past three years. The conference will begin with the general overview of the project which will be presented by CEI and will include the main steps completed within the project and a videopresentation of the project. Following the overview, CONNECT2CE’s pilot actions will be presented by EURAC, FUC, HŽPP and KTI, and the strategic approach of the project will be presented by PIL. The Conference will then proceed to video testimonials of high - level stakeholders, presenting and launching an overview of the project results from external points of view and introducing the use and scope of the Mentimeter tool, followed by a round table discussion focusing on leading, ruling and developing public transport initiatives. The Conference will conclude with final remarks on the main results of the project and what to look forward to in the future.
It is with great pleasure we invite you to join the CONNECT2CE Virtual Final Conference from your computer, tablet or smartphone on 28thMay 2020 from 9:00 to 13:00. The registrations for the event are open and you can register HERE!